Posted by: Patrick | June 26, 2008

If you can’t say anything nice…

So when Jason Spiegel calls you and complains about your depressing blog then something’s gotta change.  Don’t have time to write much as I’m here avoiding work but I wanted to share this with you, made my day and I’m not really quite sure why.

Everyone I’ve shown it to here at work has asked “what’s his deal?” and “I don’t get it” (which really isn’t a question but meh.)  I dont’ really know, there’s nothing to “get”  It just struck a chord with me.  I think we all can agree that I have the potential to one day become crazy.  Like if there was a category in highschool for “most likely to become a wack job” I might have been in the running.  Lately that wild hair has been itching and I am sitting in this f’ing cubicle watching this video of a guy dancing .  There’s so much out there to see and do but I live in my bubbles.  My work bubble and my home bubble, basically going from bubble to bubble and really missing everything.  But I digress – here is someone who has done something about it and maybe one day i’ll get the hell out too.  Oh and I am currently sipping on a GLASS BOTTLE COKE.  I ❤ my coworkers somedays.  Hope this brought you as much joy as me, and dont ask “why” just enjoy it for what it is and dont’ be such a bunch of cynical pricks.  (i’m lookin at you spiegs).


  1. I get it. You made me cry even. I’d like to buy the world a coke.

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